Our Challenges
As a startup, our current challenges are:
Lack of Capital to purchase larger quantities of raw material needed for large scale production.
Need for Capital to acquire Machinery and Equipment needed to increase production capacity and efficiency.
Need for Capital to expand factory structure space to accommodate for next phase additions.

Purchasing key raw material at very expensive price as a result of supply chain disadvantages.
Need for Capital to acquire necessary Logistics Equipment to maximize the efficiency of supply chain.
Lack of Capital needed to hire adequate Human Resource to take on the proposed growth phase.
Our Goals
Our Main Goals are:
- To increase our current capacity of production- by adding more machinery and equipment to improve the efficiency of production and increase capacity.
- To increase the value chain of our products from the waste materials available to us.
- To utilize renewable energy that is generated from some of the byproducts that we will manufacture to power our factory plant and the neighboring community.
- To build an all- inclusive factory plant where we will be able to process oil palm fruit from harvest to all the possible value-added products that can be derived from it.