Our Story

Who we are:
As an Agritech company in Africa, we are actively researching, developing and launching multiple Value-Added Products derived from the Oil Palm and Palm Kernel processing waste. Our research is geared towards the implementation of converting waste materials from the Oil Palm processing in Nigeria and utilizing them to manufacture high value economic products such as the conversion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) to biogas, bio energy, bio slurry and bio fertilizers.
We are also converting Palm kernel shells to charcoal briquettes, activated charcoal and biomass energy blocks which can serve as a replacement to burning coal with a 1:1 ratio.
What we are doing:
CLARA Farms entered the Aggrotech Food processing space starting with the Oil Palm Industry and intends to provide a solution to much of the needed pain in the industry by approaching and tackling current methods of processing of the Oil Palm Kernel and replacing them with more efficient ways thereby increasing more value-added products.
Clara Farms is seeking to expand the current Oil Palm kernel value chains by transforming palm oil waste byproducts into non-food goods. We plan to fully control the logistics in processing more oil palm kernels and manufacturing key valuable non-food products, thereby increasing maximum profitability. After extensive research and similar comparisons with the Asian Oil Palm sector, we found many untapped opportunities in the Nigerian oil palm sector simply by plugging the hole if we could convert the waste materials into valuable products.

Why we are doing this:
Nigeria a country with a population of over 200 million people is currently facing dire threats of hunger and starvation according to the Global Hunger Index. The average common person can barely afford to eat twice a day in Nigeria. While most of the reasons for this hunger can be attributed to the government’s poor method of governance and socio-economic disadvantages, much of the problem can also be attributed to losses from simple methods of food processing.
Wastage occurs in almost every aspect of food processing in Nigeria, from post-harvest losses to logistic failures to lack of modern technology driven food processing that enables the maximum potential yield and value addition in any given product chain.

Our Business Model
A -
Clara Farms buys Oil Palm kernel nuts from small farmers then cracks and crushes them into vegetable oil using a hardware solution which we are introducing into the sector – an industrial cracker and separator. Clara Farms then sells the vegetable oil realized from this process to FMCG processors and other regional manufacturers in southern Nigeria.
b -
Clara Farms utilizes waste products from Oil palm processing to manufacture other economic valuable non-food products and sells these products to the Nigerian Market and to other countries.
Our Progress & Timeline
May 2023 – RECORDED $35,000 In
Revenue from Sales.
December 2022 – COMPLETION OF TEMPORARY FACTORY BUILD OUT – CLARA finalized the setup of its first Oil Palm Kernel Processing factory in Owerri, Imo State in Nigeria – a factory intended primarily to process PALM KERNEL NUTS and convert it into Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO). The factory currently has a capacity to crush and process 10 tons of palm kernel nuts daily.
May 2021 – Company Established in
February 2023 – START OF PALM KERNEL PRODUCTION – At our temporary factory facility, we started processing of Palm kernel nuts, and as result of this processing, we can produce other byproducts such as Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO), Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), Palm Kernel Sludge at this factory site.
January 2022 – 30 HECTARE FARMLAND ACQUISITION – In Early 2022 CLARA was able to secure the purchase of approximately 30 hectares of land – located in Southeastern part of Nigeria (Imo State). An area that has a rich density of both cultivated and wild oil palm trees.
May 2021 – Company Established in
January 2022 – 30 HECTARE FARMLAND ACQUISITION – In Early 2022 CLARA was able to secure the purchase of approximately 30 hectares of land – located in Southeastern part of Nigeria (Imo State). An area that has a rich density of both cultivated and wild oil palm trees.
December 2022 – COMPLETION OF TEMPORARY FACTORY BUILD OUT – CLARA finalized the setup of its first Oil Palm Kernel Processing factory in Owerri, Imo State in Nigeria – a factory intended primarily to process PALM KERNEL NUTS and convert it into Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO). The factory currently has a capacity to crush and process 10 tons of palm kernel nuts daily.
February 2023 – START OF PALM KERNEL PRODUCTION – At our temporary factory facility, we started processing of Palm kernel nuts, and as result of this processing, we can produce other byproducts such as Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO), Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), Palm Kernel Sludge at this factory site.
May 2023 – RECORDED $35,000 In
Revenue from Sales.