Our Solution
Nigeria has a 60% vegetable oil deficit. And because of the country’s current import restrictions, vegetable oil demand cannot be met. Clara Farms targets this pain point by aiming to improve vegetable oil supply and demand in the country. Smallholders, who produce 80% of the available oil palm supply must be made more efficient. As a result of this, Clara Farms a Nigerian Agritech company is introducing a hardware solution – an industrial cracker and separator to boost oil palm kernel processing, productivity and profits in the Nigerian market.
The introduction of this efficient piece of technology will help smallholder farmers crack oil palm nuts and turn the waste products derived from the process into valuable items.

We believe that extending the value chain beyond vegetable oils sets us apart from our competitors. To do this, we are adopting available technologies that are not readily available in the Nigerian to:

Crack and separate the Palm kernel Nuts in large quantities on a commercial scale.

Convert some of the waste materials from Oil Palm Mills into valuable economic products.

The Products Derived From This Would Be:
- Palm Kernel Sludge
- Palm Kernel Cake
- Crude Palm Kernel Oil
- De-shelled Palm Kernel Nuts
The Waste To Commodity Products Would Be:
- To convert the wastewater from Palm Oil Mill Effluents into BIOGAS & BIO-FERTILIZER
- To convert empty Palm fruit Bunches into BIO-FERTILIZERS
- To convert the palm kernel shells into ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (Carbon).
- To convert the palm kernel shells into ECO – CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES
- To convert the palm kernel shells and palm shell fibers into BIOMASS BLOCKS